Doing our bit for the railways

Public transport is often a hot topic, but do people understand what’s involved? Take rolling stock, for instance. Do they know what goes into creating carriages that are safe and fit for purpose? Do they have any concept of the vast number of components involved which must perform year after year and meet strict criteria?

They might not, but we do.

We’re proud to manufacture some of those components. Sectors such as rail and mass transit networks don’t need generic solutions, but specific ones. We know the conditions components will be exposed to during those years and miles and have developed a material that can withstand all kinds of extremes and meet all relevant standards. It’s called RG-250.

RG-250 – developed for rail

This remarkable rail-grade silicone sponge has been developed to have a closed-cell structure, a low compression set and resistance to extreme temperatures from -50°C to +200°C. It’s flame retardant with both low smoke and low toxicity. And we’ve ensured it’s fully tested & compliant with EN 45545-2 R22/R23.

It’s a great example of our approach to product development. Rather than try to squash the proverbial square peg into the round hole, we looked at what the sector needed. What features of this silicone sponge were non-negotiable, which would be beneficial, and which would make the life of those building rolling stock easier?

We knew this product had to be durable, lightweight, and easy to handle. We knew it had to be halogen free and highly resistant to all kinds of environmental conditions. We knew it had to work as an effective seal or vibration dampener, even and especially when under stress. On top of all that, we knew it had to keep doing its job for a long, long time.

Cutting a long story short, that’s what we made. A premium silicone sponge perfect for interior or exterior seals with everything fit for the standards of a safe, modern rail network.

Every purpose and every option

Did we stop there? Not exactly. We then investigated specific applications. Was this sponge going to be a door seal or a lighting gasket? Was it to seal a gap or cut vibration? What sizes were required?

And yes, we’ve ended up with an extensive range including sheets, sections, tubes, gaskets, cords and O-rings. We offer adhesive-backed versions and bespoke options, all in a black colour finish. Everything is made to the most exacting standards with rigorous quality control.

Here’s the thing: we know that we can recommend RG-250 to rail engineers and designers. We know it’s up to the job. That’s why we can confidently say we’re doing our bit for the railways.

Enquire here.